Tuesday, December 22, 2009
An Unexpected Visitor
Thursday, December 17, 2009
One light goes out, They all go out!!
Some time later, I unwrapped Tree 1 again, completely removing all of the lights on the tree. I decided to just use the one strand of clear lights that were working and re wrap the entire tree with just the one strand. Surprisingly, it worked! And Christmas is not cancelled. The Christmas tree forest is slightly less bright than it was originally, but so is my Christmas spirit. (Hopefully it will recharge after I start wrapping tonight. Ha!)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Time Flies!
Myles finally got to eat his first ear of corn on the cob since getting his braces off. It's incredibly difficult to track down some corn on the cob that looks edible in December, but we finally did it and it was delicious!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Super Mario Mania!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Braces are Off!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Count Down to New Moon and the mini Edward
Anyway, since Myles has been happily rubbing my face in the fact that he's going to see the movie before me I thought I needed to turn him into a vampire. Here is my Edward. And in case you were unsure, we are a Team Edward household.

Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hot or Not?
This morning while in the kitchen getting ready to leave, Savannah walks in and laughs at me. "Your sweater's on backwards," she says. "What?" I asked her. She was all giggly and I thought she was just being goofy, so I disregarded her comment. Then Myles comes into the kitchen. He, too, laughs at me and tells me my sweater is on backwards. Now, I'm a little concerned. I glance down at myself and see nothing amiss.
"What are you talking about?" I asked them. They are both still hysterically laughing and pointing at me.
"Mom," Myles says, trying to catch his breath, "your hoodie is in the front instead of the back." He means that my cute cowl neck sweater looks more like a backwards hoodie sweater. So, in 5 minutes time I went from feeling hot in my new sweater, to feeling self conscious wondering how many other people today will be looking at me wondering if I realize I have my hoodie sweater on backwards. Thanks kids!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Procrastination Payback.

Halloween 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Lots of Leaves
After several jumps, we noticed that our pile had taken on a shape. So, we worked on it and created a leaf sculpture. Meet Leaf Teddy:
And here is Savannah holding hands with Leaf Teddy. You can see how big he is.
Now I've had enough fun with the leaves. They will probably stay where they are and next summer we will have a giant "Leaf Teddy" shaped dead spot in our yard.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Bumbling Tooth Fairy

Tales of a Relived Youth

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sleep, sweet sweet Sleep!

So, after much angry searching on the Internet, we have decided on Myles dressing up as a Woopie Cushion and Savannah is going to be the Statue of Liberty. For the statue of liberty costume, we are making the entire thing. Wish me luck. The instructions and pictures I found on the internet make it look easy, but we'll see how true that is.
Monday was the first day of my crazy week. I have to get up an hour early everyday this week to get Savannah to school by 7am for cheerleading practice. (It may not sound like that big of a deal, but I function on an average of 5 hours of sleep a night. Not by choice, but how else could I get everything done? So, this week, it's been 4 hours a night and it's sucked!) Day one was rough. And to make everything better, I was greeted by some "special rocks" (as they are known in my house ) deposited in my back porch by my little Fillmore. And, in the pitch blackness of the 5:30am morning, I nearly stepped on the "special rocks". I love being sleep deprived and having to deal with bad little dogs all at once.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Swine Flu and Ham

Adventures in Ham -- Dinners this week have been a challenge. I thought that I would purchase a ham from the grocery store when I saw they were on sale. We don't eat ham very often and now I remember why. I cooked up a big ham and for dinner Tuesday night, I enjoyed it. Myles, full from his cupcakes, wasn't interested in ham and potatoes. (I brought cupcakes home from work and he greedily devoured 2. Later that night, while complaining of not feeling so good, I learned that the 2 cupcakes had been all he'd eaten all day. Good Job Mom!) Savannah took one bite of the ham, convulsed violently, and informed me that she didn't like ham. (I couldn't have figured that out from the dramatic performance she just gave). So, I sat happily enjoying my ham. Night 2 I had planned to make ham and cheese melts. Under normal circumstances, my kids will devour any sort of melt presented to them. But these were not normal circumstances. Myles was full from his Salisbury steaks and gravy. (After I fed him nothing but cupcakes, B thought a lunch of frozen Salisbury steaks covered in a thick gravy with a side of fries would be a good lunch for a sickly kid. We are hopeless.) B wasn't hungry either (thanks to Salisbury steaks). Savannah wasn't putting that ham anywhere near her mouth, so was instead served a turkey melt. I had a ham melt. So, after 2 nights, my humongous ham was now missing exactly 3 slices. Tonight, we will all be enjoying a crock pot dinner of Au gratin potatoes and ham. Will anyone enjoy this meal besides me? Probably not. And after these 3 nights of ham dinners, I still have nearly half of the ham left.
I hope the dogs like ham more than the kids do.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Slumber Party Aftermath
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Did I Miss Fall?
After watching the news last night, I was expecting the snow, but it was only suppposed to be around an inch and most of that was supposed to melt since it had been so warm lately. But, once the sun came up it still looked like this.
I've been excited about the trees changing colors and the fun of going for a walk with the kids and crunching our way through leaves, but that was only beginning. I think we are getting jipped. Where's our fall? I'm not looking forward to winter and am in no way eager to bust out the snow boots. Savannah, however, is now beginning the countdown to Christmas. The snow inspired that. 76 days and counting. We may have to move. Trick or treating in the snow will definitely suck. And, to make matters worse, Myles may be sick with the swine flu. Best weekend ever? Probably not.