Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Great Pumpkin
I heart Baby Gorillas

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Grannies, Guard Your Ankles
What to do? What to do?
I had no choice, did I? I had to proceed. I had chicken to purchase and I only had 5 more spare minutes to get out of Hyvee and make it to work on time. Plan A: My cart and I pick up speed and slam into the ankles of every one of those Grannies in my way. Or Plan B: wait as patiently as possible, and grab the last package of chicken those vultures left me.
Being the kind hearted person that I am I chose plan B. And for my kindness, I was granted a 15 minute wait in the checkout lane, while all of the grannies that beat me to the chicken also beat me to the checkout line, and happily chatted up the check out girls and baggers.
However, I do not give up easily. So I proceeded on to Hyvee number 2. Hey, I was already 10 minutes late to work, what was a few more minutes. Turns out Hyvee number 2 is not frequented by so many of the elderly population and I was able to easily glide through the store tossing all the sale items my heart desired into my cart.
Of course, I hadn't had the foresight to think that storing 8 packages of chicken, 10 frozen pizzas, several frozen vegetables, and a couple of quarts of ice cream into a little work freezer might not work out. But, I was still victorious in my battle for the early morning grocery savings. And, thankfully my mom opened up her spare freezer to my madness (at least until I got off of work)
So, Grannies, this is fair warning. Next time there is a great one day grocery ad, GUARD YOUR ANKLES!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I Survived...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Master Procrastinator

Monday, August 24, 2009
My kid is 11 and I'm old!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Poor Puppy

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Adventures in parenting...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
On the menu

And the winner is...

Saturday with Swift

The parade is second only to Halloween in the amount of candy loot the kids haul in. They look forward to it all year long and when the day finally arrives, it is full of candy catching preparation. Our chairs are placed out by the curb very early in the day to reserve our spots. The plastic shopping sacks are all inspected and only the sacks that are largest in size and strength are brought out to hold the precious loot. The kids will check the windows approximately every 30 seconds to make sure no one is coming along to attempt to steal our spots.
I went into the house just before the end of the parade to tend to my roasting chickens and some cheerleaders came by with super-soakers along with one girl equipped with a bucket of water. From what I’m told, she had set her sights on Myles and intended to soak him (ha ha), but had incredibly bad aim and instead soaked Savannah and as a result filled her candy bag with water. (Evil forces 2, Us 1) After a few tears and many paper towels. The candy was salvaged as was the soaked outfit. (Take that evil forces).

The girl can belt out a tune!

Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Heat is On!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Love Getting Mail!

but I do love surprise samples arriving in the mail. Especially yummy food samples. Hooray. Yummy surprises awaited me the next time I visit the parents.
As we drove home, I was thinking about this package, and suddenly recalled a sample package that had arrived at my sister's house that same day. Wait a minute! I knew what had arrived in the mail for me. Not yummy food samples. Nope. KOTEX samples.

I laughed, when I realized and decided that this would make a very funny blog entry. But, I would need to be able to take a picture of the sample to achieve the full comedic effect. So, since we usually go to my parent's house on Sunday's for dinner, I figured I would get my eagerly awaited sample then. On Sunday, my package was presented to me upon my arrival. (Thanks Mom and Dad for saving my pads for me). I didn't immediately tuck them into my purse, but left them in their box on the desk in the entryway of the house to grab on my way out.
When it was time to go, my pads were missing. And, there were 3 guilty looking girls that quickly made themselves scarce. Not to worry. I am the great finder of lost things and I will find the missing pads without problem. Unfortunately, my frantic searching seemed fruitless. The girls had hidden my pads really well. Damn it. So, I turn to the youngest member of the trio, my niece, Sydney, certain she will rat out the culprit. "Did you see my box that was on that desk?" I asked her. She promptly informed me that Briana and Savannah had that box but she was not involved in any way. So, I turned my questioning to Savannah. "Where is that box?" I demanded. Savannah said they had picked up the box, but put it right back where it was. When I told her it wasn't there, she denied any further knowledge. I searched the basement and my Dad searched his office. It was lovely having the entire family ransacking the house for my Kotex sample. Find Those Pads Damn It! They turned up in my dad's recycling bin, but Savannah is certain that she and Briana had nothing to do with them getting in there. It's a giant mystery.
In the end, I got my pad picture.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Weirdo Magnet
That's Charlie Sexton on guitar and here's Chris Layton on the drums:
Now for the weirdos. I am a magnet for them, so once the show started, all I have to do is turn my head and there they will be. So, I turn my head and look over toward the center of the stage and there is a man that must have been only 5 feet tall dancing his little heart out and behind him stands a tall man wearing purple light up glasses. My photography skill suck, but this is the photo I took, while trying not to be noticed.
Also, directly behind me were a very drunk couple. The male half of this lovely couple kept huffing his beer breath into my hear as he and his drunken woman danced. It was horrifying. At one point during the concert, the drunk woman leaned over to me and said, "he's hot isn't he?" motioning up to Doyle on the stage. I nodded in agreement, quickly leaning away to avoid contact with her beer breath. Then, she leaned forward up to the stage, where Doyle was squatting down to adjust some of his pedals. "CHARLIE, YOU ROCK!" she screams up at him. Dumb drunk ass! Purple glasses informed her that that one is Doyle, and the other one is Charlie. At least he knows who he is watching through his glowing specs.
So, the concert ended and we headed home. I really enjoyed the show. And, B was lucky enough to get to drive out to Davenport the next night to see them again. His friend was opening up for them. Here's some of his pictures. (I need to take some photography classes)