Monday, September 28, 2009
Why me?
Synopsis of past 76 hrs. :
1. Told by son that there is a termite swarm on the back porch steps.
2. Go outside with termite murder on the mind and get creepy crawlies just at the sight of the millions of bugs. Spray the heck out of them.
3. Get approximately 25 bug bites from some never before seen tiny little black bug. Bites itch like crazy.
4. Watch an episode of Verminators with Myles which featured a woman's house infested with bedbugs. Get creepy crawly feeling again.
5. Take kids to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and consume a 25 pound keg of popcorn along with some reeses pieces.
6. Go to dinner at parent's house and wash down the 25 pounds of popcorn with a fried pork chop, creamy green bean dish, and buttery biscuits.
7. Go home to wear sweatpants and watch waistband expand. Roll myself to bed.
8. Wake numerous times during the night itching and dreaming of bed bugs. May have to buy new mattress, just in case. Vow to never watch Verminators again. EVER.
9. Get sliver while preparing breakfast of Puffy Oven Pancake for kids. Sliver won't come out, so I cover it with a band aid soaked in tears.
10. Realize that I forgot to purchase capri suns during the feeding frenzy at Target and have no beverage to put into Savannah's lunch box. Must rush children around so that we are able to leave early to drive down to Casey's, purchase a single Gatorade that costs the equivalent of an entire box of capri suns.
11. During rush out the door, Boris barfed all over porch. I chose to step over it and pretend I didn't notice.
12. Spent day at work itching stupid bug bites.
13. Returned home with kids to discover that B had decided to also step over dog barf and pretend not to notice it. Damn.
14. Went for long walk in attempt to cleanse self of this black cloud of doom.
It must have worked, because so far things are going better. I stumbled across this blog: which had me rolling with laughter. Annie Choi, you are hilarious. And much to my surprise, after having an instant compulsion to purchase her book, I found it already on my bookshelf waiting to be read. YIPEE! It is happily tucked under my arm at this very minute. It also has this adorable moving bookmark stuck inside it that I purchased over the weekend, which might be my favorite thing right now. Mine has puppies on scooters. Things are looking up.
And they had better stay up.
Tic Tac?

Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Tale of Two Dogs

Well, at our house live 2 dogs. Boris is our Great Dane and Fillmore is our Rat Terrier/Pomeranian mix. Yes, they are complete opposites in every sense. Boris, the gentle giant is bullied on a daily basis by Fillmore, the alpha male. He has learned that taking a toy from Fillmore will earn you a nasty nip on the jowls. Ouch! Also, Boris has learned that Fillmore is FAST and it is very hard to keep track of where he is. Fillmore has mastered the art of darting in and out of the giant dogs legs in order to keep him guessing (and high stepping in a very amusing manner). Surprisingly, though, they are the best of friends and don't like to be without the other one for any reason.
Well, Savannah has a toy dog that operates on batteries and looks like a real dog sleeping and it's chest moves up and down to look like the dog is breathing. It came with a little doggie bed. She had the doggie bed down in the living room one day and Fillmore curled up on it to take a nap. Savannah thought this was adorable and has allowed Fillmore to sleep on it for the past couple of days. Boris must have felt left out because when I walked into the living room yesterday, this is what I found:
I believe he had one elbow, part of a shoulder, and some of his chin crammed onto this tiny little bed. "That little dog doesn't get to have all of the comfy sleeping spots to himself," Boris thought. "I'm trying this thing out."
Fillmore came along to inspect the situation and allowed Boris his few minutes of comfort.
Here, you can see how much of Boris actually fit onto the bed.
It didn't take long for Fillmore to reclaim his sleeping spot, though.
And poor, sad Boris was forced back to his usual spot on the carpet.
Mope. Mope. "It sure was comfy over there. This bony leg I'm resting my head on just isn't the same."
He does have an actual comfy sleeping spot, too. However, his size does not allow for us to drag his pile of comforters all over the house and he prefers to lay in whichever room I am in. He does lay a mean guilt trip, though. Poor pitiful pooch.
Monday, September 21, 2009
All Right Everyone, Laugh It Up!

Myles as the pretty girl

Myles as Ebeneezer Scrooge

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Rrrrrrrrrrrummage Sale!!!

The sale was a huge success (for me). The kids wanted to go out to it after they got out of school and Savannah was able to rummage through the book barn and found herself 10 books. Unfortunately, we didn't find a bookshelf to store all of these books on. And after purchasing nearly 40 pieces of clothing, 12 books, and 4 holiday decorations, I only spent about $35! Now, I think that counts as a great day! Tomorrow, I'll be whining about my aching arms and I may have to bust out my hand weights to prepare for next year.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy Halloween Decorations!

So, my house has been looking cute and Halloween festive for a little bit and I have a smallish stash of cute Halloween decorations that I like to take to work and decorate my desk with. I spend enough time there that I figure it should be as festive as my home. But, I am also a person who doesn't take criticism well. So, I headed to work today loaded up with Halloween decorations as well as snappy retorts for anyone who felt the need to tell me that it's not October yet. I made it 3 steps into the building before I heard it. But, I don't care. I now have the cutest desk in the entire building. And Christmas? It's going out on November 1st. Prepare yourselves.

At our house, we have a scary life-size skeleton butler guy that we will be putting out on our front porch and a light up gateway. Both of those items I chose to keep in until it is officially October. But on October 1st, I can guarantee they will be out. And our house will have the coolest Halloween decor. And our Giant Pumpkins will be out too. I'm excited just thinking about it. I'll post pictures on the 2nd.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Shannon and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I may have to contact Stacey Ballis and request an autographed book. It may be the only way to make me feel better. Well, that and another oatmeal scotchie.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Green Feet and Green Roofs
Now, I'll share with you a little story from this past week at work. I went into the break room to purchase a coke from the coke machine. In order for me to get this much thirsted for pop, I had to scrounge for the 75 cents I needed. So, after putting my 15 nickles into the machine and selecting my pop (feeling my face turn red knowing several of my coworkers were watching me push coins into that machine for 20 minutes) out comes a can that is making a strange noise. I reach down and pick it up and a fountain erupts from this can. Pop was exploding EVERYWHERE. I sprayed pop from one side of the break room to the other. And, there were several witnesses. (All snickering at my misfortune) It was not good. The trash can is clear on the far side of the room, and even moving as quickly as I could and still avoid having pop spray all over my outfit, I still managed to leave a river of coke across the room. I was then able to entertain all of the lunch eaters by attempting to mop up the floor with a couple of napkins. The floor is still as sticky as a movie theater. And my position as company laughing stock has been locked firmly in place. In the end, I was reimbursed for my pop, purchased another one (in front of the same audience) and was still able to get my coke. Ha ha Universe. I still got my Coke.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
News, Disasters, and a Holiday Movie Preview
DISASTERS: I made my stupid pretzels yesterday and screwed them all up. This batch was from a recipe I found, and not from the premixed box kit I had previously made. I buttered them before I put them in the oven (like my old method, the new method calls for buttering after baking) and the butter melted all over the tray and dripped into the oven. The entire house was filled with smoke, horrible, thick, smelly smoke, by the end of the 10 minute baking process. I had to open the front and back doors and place fans by them trying to blow the smoke out. It took a very long time to air the house out and this morning, it still smells smokey. But, after the pretzels came out of the oven, they didn't look right, since I had prebuttered them. So, to correct the error, I melted another stick of butter and buttered them again. The result was delicious. The kids were reluctant to try the pretzels, since I had been shouting about screwing up the pretzels, but once the first bite hit their tongues, they were happy. Super Yummy Double Butter Pretzels. That may be the name of my pretzel shop.
Unfortunately, the Super Yummy Double Butter Pretzels have so much butter on them that when storing them overnight, the salt sort of dissolves into a strange little salt blob and the overall appearance of the pretzels are slightly less than appetizing, so the Super Yummy Double Butter Pretzels are meant only for immediate consumption. I don't think this is a problem.