Well, I've been getting a little crafty lately. It's been cold and snowy for a while and I needed a project. So, I took up crocheting. I've made a bunch of scarves and learned a bunch of different stitches that way. I also made the Starling Handbag that I found at
Futuregirl. I have the crocheting of the bag finished, but not the lining, so pictures to come when it's totally complete. The bag is really not hard to make at all and turned out great.
This past weekend, I finished my first loopy stitch pillow. I found this pattern at
Lion Brand Yarn and it was free.
I think it's really cool and so does Savannah as she's snatched it up to add to her collection of pillows.
Now, I need a new project. I plan on making a few more of those loopy pillows for myself, but today I spotted this blog post at
Crafty Is Cool and I think I'm going to have to make a couple of these first.
Aren't they so cute? Lucky me, it looks like we are going to be having a snow day tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time to make a couple.
Last night, while finishing up my loopy pillow I saw this tweet from Sarah Colonna "Am I really watching a Jennifer Love Hewitt/Betty White hallmark movie? This must be what rock bottom feels like."
Well, Sarah, I was also watching that hallmark movie and was crocheting at the same time and I'm only 35. I think I might have beat out your rock bottom. Granny-dom here I come!