So, this morning, the PT Cruiser went back into the shop. And this time it didn't hide it's illness. Nope. It has major problems. The mechanic called to inform me that the water pump needs to be replaced. $$ And the timing belt. $$$ And the entire engine must be dismantled to reach these parts, so 9 hours of labor $$$$$$$$$. At this point I was feeling woozy and had to lie down. Damn cars. I'm going shopping for a horse tomorrow. I'm not kidding.
After I received the news that I would soon be facing financial annihilation, I decided that taking the day off of work was probably not a good idea. So, I had to hop into our jalopy. (FYI, B and I work opposite shifts, and use the fuel efficient car for commuting, while our SUV or jalopy, as I like to call it, sits idle unless we have a major snowstorm requiring the use of 4WD at the rate of 2 miles per gallon) So, the jalopy has been facing it's own set of challenges lately, mostly in the form of recurring flat tires. It is currently operating on 3 regular tires and 1 spare. I had to drive 40 minutes to work like this. Going 50 mph in a 60 mph zone. With a giant semi approximately 3 cm from my rear bumper and what I think might have been his middle finger waving at me. I smiled and returned the greeting.
So, at the end of the day, I have learned that cars suck, and horses rule. I'm currently shopping on eBay for a new set of riding pants and a saddle. Which look do you think is more me?

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