Can you guess what delicious treat is coming my way? Girl Scout cookies!!! My niece is in girl scouts this year. She is a brownie, and a very cute one at that. Sadly, it seems that today's brownies do not wear a head to toe brown Brownie uniform. They only have a sash that they stuff into their backpacks on Brownie meeting day. Can you believe this? I remember my Brownie days and the huge amount of pride I had in my adorable brown Brownie uniform. All of the non-Brownie girls would look enviously upon the brown uniformed Brownie girls. And the boys always chat us up about what cool badges we had sewn upon our sashes. We would bask in their admiration, while straightening our sashes and pulling up our brown knee socks. I swear half of the appeal of brownies was the cute outfit. But, the other half of the appeal was the cookies.

Well, it turns out that my niece has set a cookie selling goal of 50 boxes. If she meets this sales goal, she will be rewarded with a hefty commission. A Girl Scout Water Bottle. And, as her aunt, I have been informed that I will be responsible for purchasing 45 of those boxes. Her mother will purchase the other 5. Hmmmm.
Actually, this doesn't sound like too bad of a deal to me. At 3.50 a box, this would only set me back about $157.50. So, I couldn't buy groceries for a couple of weeks. We could totally survive on cookies, right? But, I will also have to figure in the cost of the larger sized wardrobe I will be requiring after I scarf down 45 boxes of cookies. On the plus side of that (and I said plus side, not plus size), I would get to do some shopping. And it is clearance season.
Now, I just have to decide how many of which cookies I want. Tough decisions. Tough, mouth watering decisions.

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