Wednesday, February 24, 2010
What kind of mom am I?
"That was a weird call," Stacey told me. I was on the other line.
"Why?" I asked. "I think she was just saying that you are the most organized and reliable mom.
Not so surprisingly, I have never received a call like that.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Words of the Week
1. Word: Superb
Definition: Excellent, very fine
Sentence: When Mrs. Wolf grades our papers she uses superb. (It's true, she does, as illustrated in Savannah's picture. Savannah gets lots of superbs!)

Definition: Clothing
Sentence: I like to draw attires for fun. (Future fashion designer?)

Definition: a small, thin piece
Sentence: When I do yard work with my grandpa I get slivers all the time! (In this picture, Papaw is on the left, Savannah in the middle, and Myles is on the right, distinguished by his orange shirt with the G on it for the San Francisco Giants. She's got an eye for detail.)

Definition: To confuse or puzzle
Sentence: It baffles me if nonrealistic things could be real. (That's bigfoot behind the tree. She's had a slight obsession with bigfoot for a while. Thank you MonsterQuest.)

Definition: To speak or say
Sentence: My mom says I utter to much when I come home from a friends house. (Social interaction does cause her to become a Chatty Cathy.)

Definition: To whisper or talk quietly.
Sentence: Whenever I spend the night at my grandma's house she says that I sleepwalk and murmur all over the house. (That's Mamaw in the bed and Savannah is sleepwalking and murmuring on the right. :) )

Definition: To yell, scream, or screech
Sentence: I shriek when my grandpa puts fake spiders up my sleeve. (Papaw! Don't do that.)

Definition: Done quickly with little thought; fast
Sentence: I clean my room hasty. (That's the only way she cleans)

Definition: to make fun of
Sentence: If you taunt someone it is not nice.

Definition: A person's special features
Sentence: I have a lot of qualities. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010
Sleepover Fun
Monday, February 8, 2010
Weekend Recap
We had to take a rest on a bench after about 500 hikes up the stairs, but we were still enjoying ourselves.
It's funny. We have had all this snow all winter long and this was our first time out doing some real sledding. How could we have been letting all this fun slip right through our fingers? We will probably have to hit that hill every day from now until spring just to make up for time lost. Savannah's ready to give skiing a try.
This was Savannah's first trip down the hill by herself. There was a huge, hard snowball at the bottom of the hill that had some sort of magnetic pull because every time we went down the hill we would end up flying perilously toward that giant snowball of death.
Savannah was on the super slippery sled here. It wanted to start down the hill without her. And bucked her off part way down.