We had another weekend of snow. I think we are all tired of it. Seriously.
I got a little crafting in, however, and made this fun little Valentines Day decoration. You can find the tutorial at this

Savannah was able to create her Valentine box for her school party. They will be having a Valentine social on Friday where the kids all decorate a shoe box at home and then bring them in on Friday to trade with another kid in the class. She is already certain that hers will be highly coveted.

Then, on Sunday, Savannah persuaded me to take her sledding. I was completely not enthusiastic about the idea and was kind of hoping she'd forget about it or we could put it off until tomorrow. (And then hope she forgets about it again.) But, since the temperature was in the upper 30 at 4:30 in the afternoon, I figured we'd better go. We bundled ourselves up and headed out to the park. The following videos show just how much fun we had. There's more videos of our sledding fun on my
youtube page.
Here she was sliding down the hill just on her stomach. No sled required. It was super fun.
And the hike up the stairs. We did this trek about 800 times. My legs hurt today. I'm thinking of developing some sort of sledding and stair climbing workout. It makes exercising fun!!
We had to take a rest on a bench after about 500 hikes up the stairs, but we were still enjoying ourselves.
It's funny. We have had all this snow all winter long and this was our first time out doing some real sledding. How could we have been letting all this fun slip right through our fingers? We will probably have to hit that hill every day from now until spring just to make up for time lost. Savannah's ready to give skiing a try.
This was Savannah's first trip down the hill by herself. There was a huge, hard snowball at the bottom of the hill that had some sort of magnetic pull because every time we went down the hill we would end up flying perilously toward that giant snowball of death.
Savannah was on the super slippery sled here. It wanted to start down the hill without her. And bucked her off part way down.
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