I'm officially 36 years old today. Hooray for me! My birthday has gone pretty well. I woke up this morning and Boris, my Great Dane, hadn't left me any presents in the house. (He's been leaving me presents in the house all winter long, but today he refrained.) Then, when I got to work this morning, the computers were all down.
Heh heh heh. Birthday wishes -- granted.
Now this afternoon, I'm going to continue to work on my afghan. I've become addicted to crocheting lately and I'm currently working on an afghan. I got inspired by the colors in a quilt that my mom made for Savannah.

Very pretty! I had started out with the turquoise, thinking I was going to make it all one color. But, while I was working on it, I noticed that the turquoise matched the quilt's coloring and it would be better and brighter if I added on some green and orange. Today I bought some purple, but I don't like it and it's going back. I think I'll judge the size after the orange to determine if I'm going to add another color or not.

I'm working in a sideways shell stitch that is perfectly mindless for me. I think the thing I love about crocheting is that I can sit down and work on it without having to think too much. It's very relaxing.

Now, the fun part is changing colors. And today, on my birthday, I finally get to start the orange! Yay!
(Ok, I realize that I may need to get a life if the highlight of my birthday is changing colors in my crochet, but hey -- I take my excitement where I can get it.)
I'll post pictures as this project progresses. And, if I'm really lucky, I'll get a rocking chair for my birthday and then my granny-ness will be complete.
That is turning out super cute!! Happy birthday!