Monday, January 31, 2011

Gettin my craft on

Well, I've been getting a little crafty lately. It's been cold and snowy for a while and I needed a project. So, I took up crocheting. I've made a bunch of scarves and learned a bunch of different stitches that way. I also made the Starling Handbag that I found at Futuregirl. I have the crocheting of the bag finished, but not the lining, so pictures to come when it's totally complete. The bag is really not hard to make at all and turned out great.

This past weekend, I finished my first loopy stitch pillow. I found this pattern at Lion Brand Yarn and it was free.
I think it's really cool and so does Savannah as she's snatched it up to add to her collection of pillows.

Now, I need a new project. I plan on making a few more of those loopy pillows for myself, but today I spotted this blog post at Crafty Is Cool and I think I'm going to have to make a couple of these first.

Aren't they so cute? Lucky me, it looks like we are going to be having a snow day tomorrow, so I'll have plenty of time to make a couple.

Last night, while finishing up my loopy pillow I saw this tweet from Sarah Colonna "Am I really watching a Jennifer Love Hewitt/Betty White hallmark movie? This must be what rock bottom feels like."

Well, Sarah, I was also watching that hallmark movie and was crocheting at the same time and I'm only 35. I think I might have beat out your rock bottom. Granny-dom here I come!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weekend Recap

What a fun weekend this has been. On Friday night, I got to go to Savannah's Pizza Bingo Night at her elementary school. The kids get to play carnival games and bingo, enter a raffle for some great prizes, and eat pizza. The parents get to sit on the sidelines, wallets in hand. Also, we get to donate 2-liters of pop for the pop ring toss (only to spend approximately $5 later "winning" a different 2-liter of pop), candy bars for another carnival game prize (Savannah never won one of those and was none too happy about it). Our last required donation was a cake or 2 for the cake walk. I had bought a cake mix and a set of disposable foil square cake pans to make our cake in. We set to frosting our cakes and even went so far as to color some of the frosting and write "Pizza Bingo Night" on one cake and "Cake Walk" on the other as well as adding some very fancy flowers in the corners of the cakes.
After the decorating was done, we had some left over frosting in the decorator tubes and had to come up with something to do with it. I decided that the extra frosting could best be used to decorate the dogs' faces.

Boris was unsure about this at first, but after licking the frosting off of his nose, decided that it was delicious. So, he was treated to several more flowers on the schnoz. This was accompanied by much laughter from the humans in the room. But, time was quickly getting away from us and I had to move the cakes onto the stove (out of the way) and go to get our coats. I made it as far as the living room doorway when I heard Savannah scream, "BORIS!!!!!"


I head back to the kitchen to find that Boris didn't feel he'd finished with the frosting yet, and he had licked a corner of flowers off of one of our cakes. This is one of the problems of living with a Great Dane. There are pretty much no kitchen surfaces high enough. So, we were down to one cake to take for the Cake Walk. Oh, well.

Saturday was also exciting since Stacey and I were heading out to the Plain White T's concert. We were unsure prior to the concert if we were going to be the oldest people there. The band is quite popular, but Stacey and I seem to have a knack for loving the same things that are popular amongst 12 year olds. This concern was only deepened when Savannah informed me that she knew who the Plain White T's were because she's seen them on Nickelodeon's iCarly. SUPER!

But, once we arrived, we were relieved to see that we were definitely not the oldest folks in the crowd. There were quite a few younger girls there, but it was completely filled with the iCarly crowd. I did, however, spot a girl who may have belonged not with the iCarly crowd, but maybe the Little House on the Prairie crowd.

All joking aside, I would have much rather been surrounded by the iCarly / Little House on the Prairie kids than the drunken fool who stood in front of me. Because I was treated to a floor full of vomit before the Plain White T's finished their first song. Yipee! Nothing better than standing in vomit while wearing some new open toed shoes. But, while my feet were sticking to the floor, the Plain White T's were rockin'! I have posted a few videos from the night on my YouTube page, if you want to see a little of the show.

Once the show was over, the bands all came out to meet the fans, sign things, and take pictures. They were all so nice and down to earth. And here they all are with me!

(I'm certain that his face looks like that because he was mesmerized by my beauty and not because of any strange vomit-y smells that may have been wafting up from my feet.)