Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dead Legs

My legs are dead.  Seriously.  Funeral imminent. 




My trainer is hot, but evil.  Very, very evil.
I had workout homework today, too.  50 minutes of cardio.
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to repeat the routine he had me do on Tuesday.  Might be difficult to maintain proper form while on crutches.

But, during my first real training session, I learned that I'm a bit of a whiner.  (Actually, this is not news to me.)  I got to do 2 different clusters of exercises and it turns out my legs must not have much muscle in them.  3 sets of 12 squats, 12 step-things (technical gym term), and lunges.  Then some variations of those in the other set, but that didn't really seem like that much leg work.  Today, my legs beg to differ. 

I think I must be exorcising my inner wimp.  And my inner wimp resides in my thighs and isn't going without a fight.

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